Asteroid Blues


La caza sigue en tierras de JSA

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Yu Jing
Jefe Panda Mx
VS Haqqislam

Comandante JefePanda reportando:

Seguimos la pista Shasvasti hasta llegar a un asentamiento de la JSA que era resguardada por un grupo Haqqislamita.

Los tomamos por sorpresa y embestimos primero, obligamos al oponente a resguardarse al fondo del campo de batalla con el poder de nuestro YanHuo y su cañón magnético, una vez atrás avanzamos con nuestros 4 shaolin y un par de Krakots que contratamos en el Bar, avanzaron en una lluvia de humo y lograron rápidamente eliminar la antena de transmisión que era resguardada.
Ya sin posibilidad de refuerzos los Krakots eliminaron a 4 de sus remotos con sus chainrifle, pero ni ellos ni los shaolin lograron sobrevivir al contraataque Haqqislamita.
No lograron avanzar mucho y los tratamos de rematar con el YanHuo y nuestro ninja logró eliminar a Carmen y a Batar eliminando las posibilidades de otro contraataque.
Al final de la batalla su core de Gulams, logró acercar e a nosotros pero fueron repelidos por el Haidao snipers.
Nos retiramos con una victoria y en busca de los shasvasti.

Comandante JefePanda reporting: We follow the Shasvasti trail until we reach a JSA settlement that was sheltered by a Haqqislamita group. We took them by surprise and rammed first, we forced the opponent to protect themselves at the bottom of the battlefield with the power of our YanHuo and its magnetic cannon, once we advanced with our 4 shaolin and a pair of Krakots that we hired at the Bar, they advanced in a rain of smoke and quickly managed to eliminate the transmitting antenna that was sheltered. With no possibility of reinforcements, the Krakots eliminated 4 of their remotes with their chainrifle, but neither they nor the Shaolin managed to survive the Haqqislamita counterattack. They failed to make much progress and we tried to finish off with YanHuo and our ninja managed to eliminate Carmen and Batar eliminating the possibilities of another counterattack. At the end of the battle, his Gulams core managed to bring us closer but they were repelled by the Haidao snipers. We retired with a victory and in search of the shasvasti.

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5 People Recommended Jefe Panda Mx for commendation

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Yu Jing
Jefe Panda Mx