Asteroid Blues


The Moral High Ground

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Yu Jing
Yue Fei
VS Tohaa
Jager Nadim

DIU Commander Yue Fei requisitioned a pair of early model Sù-Jiàn to defend the Operations Hub against a team of infiltrating Tohaa. Able to move quickly and safely in the low gravity of the hull breach and hide in the tall buildings, this seemed like an excellent plan to retain control of the location.

The whole area had a fetid smell and some buildings were smeared with rotten durian. Odder still, even with low air pressure and obvious venting of the asteroid hull structure, a single durian seller stood in his stall watching the troops of both sides move into engagement. Unfortunately, under the sustained and vicious attack of NA-2 and their allies there was simply no time to investigate.


ISS chose sides and Tohaa elected to take first turn. The Tohaa midfield was littered with mines from Draal, Libertos and Clipsos minelayers. A rather rash Clipsos successfully infiltrated next to a Su Jian, which seemed like a great idea until the ISS reserve drop turned out to be a second Su Jian.

Turn 1

Tohaa sent their Draal datatracker and two Makaul deep into the ISS deployment zone, trying to hunt down Kuang Shi and starve the ISS of orders. The Draal moved seven inches with each order and managed to send two Kuang Shi to dogged successfully, before hiding with his symbiomate and symbiobomb behind a wall, so Yue Fei would have to risk a symbiobomb attack if he moved out.

ISS started with two lone kuang shi advancing up field safely. Then the Su Jian duo killed one of the makaul with some spitfire shots, then made use of their 9" moves to make a huge jump onto the roof of the midfield building. From there they were able to shoot up a variety of targets, stripping symbiont armor from the Draal datatracker and a Sukeul commando hiding in the temple building. A Kuang Shi attempted to chain rifle a makaul and camo token, but ended up engaged with the Makaul and detonating a mine.

Positioned in two quadrants and with the Sophotect moving into a third, ISS controlled more quadrants and picked up 3 points.

Turn 2

The Makaul killed the Kuang Shi he'd got tangled up with then the hidden clipsos revealed and killed the Sophotect. A Clipsos popped out to hold the left flank and try and shoot a kuang shi, but the kuang shi crit dodged forward putting it inside chain rifle range. A Chaksa maneuvred to stack points in the left flank quadrant and the Draal datatracker pulled back a little, hiding under the canopy of a coffee shop where he couldn't be shot from above.

The Tohaa hadn't managed to scratch the Su Jian, and they spent several orders doing a lot of damage: firing a panzerfaust into a chaksa baggage, killing a Kaeltar Chain of Command that was trying to slow them down and finishing off the Sukeul Commando. Hsien Yue Fei walked through a smoke cloud, murdered Draal Saboteur and set up in suppressive fire.

There are no Ninjas, but a mysterious TO camo token appeared to score more than the Clipsos BSG in our left quadrant. ISS had clear control of the table for 3 more points.

Turn 3

Tohaa were in loss of lieutenant, had no Datatracker and few options left to move anything to score more than the Su Jian. A Makaul impetuously suicided onto the Hsien's suppressive fire, but with a 6 point lead to the ISS there was no way for them to take back a quadrant. Victory to the Durian Investigation Unit!


Appendix A. Additional information

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Yu Jing
Yue Fei