Asteroid Blues


Red wave

Your crazy friend

It was like in a damn computer game about corridor shooters only a wave of creeps were me and my Bros! Ha, one of our, final boss seems, torn so same as in game, very epic! Damn well not me
Review of Morlock “Stoned friend about the collision with the forces of oss during the exploration of the mine complex called the maze gallery.

Lieutenant Jeeves ‘ operational report on the engagement with Aleph operatives.
Our party was assigned to explore the mines, which extended from the borders of the nomad territories and is not known how far. Presumably these mines could lead to the galleries of Buddha, which according to our data, it was observed the presence of the Alef. We don’t need such a neighborhood. In the process of exploring the mines, we came to an unknown gallery and stumbled upon what Butch called an antenna plantation. An inspection by our scouts showed that they belonged to the Aleph, which we were soon confirmed by the fire of the guards of these plantations, which forced us to take the fight.
We took up all available cover, pushing the Morlocks and chimeras forward. My squad occupied the center, preparing for a breakthrough, in front of, the left flank was protected by the 2 Morlocks and the Chimera, the center was busy 2 Morlocks and 8ball, the right flank squad support and ostavshiisa Morlocks. Moira stepped forward
First: Aleph begun to put pressure on the move. Left phalanx marched a detachment taking with KSU and a bot with a rocket, in the process, they sent in walgalu our sniper. Out on the firing range grenade launcher Dakini from rockfall lost Dakini and Dakini with LGL, which forced them to call virgin to him. The Morlocks who were shot were not injured. We lost Prowler from the same rockfall, posadnitsa and started to shoot where it is not necessary. Prox sniper put us 8ball and he went to rest. But the right flank was horrified. Got out from the Andromeda killed our civil engineer (HVT), and then walking under the cover of smokes which itself laid the Morlocks she came in and finished off a squad of moderators where was the sniper. Minus 3 guys per pass. Disaster.
His move. Morlock turned into a walking motorcycle flew into Andromeda and took revenge on her, simultaneously receiving a bullet from proxy. On the left flank, one Morlock covered the passage with smoke to his companion and died. The second Morlock ran to the remains Dakini and killed them off really killed himself, after killing the sniper, the virgin and rocketbot. Chimera took a position in the pile of corpses along with his entire pack. My team in the center moved to the antenna and took control of it.

Second move. Investigators Alef probably panicked ( if they are applicable) and began trying to reduce our numbers, instead of having to fulfill its mission. But except a lone moderator with Spitfire not killed no one and having lost Naga.
His second move. Our zero captured console on the territory of the enemy, and 3 simultaneously. The enemy’s console could smash umbilical cords, but tried so hard that they did not notice how they were crushed by a rockfall. Chimera was bitten by enemy civilians. Also lost the remnants of the Morlocks in different skirmishes, with varying degrees of success ( where it failed to destroy the console, where I knew Naga, and somewhere just got in shit.) realizing that it is necessary to save the BW guys are able to destroy the antenna, the paramedic thought effort was able to treat Prowler.

Third move. Alef came to their senses that it is necessary to perform the task, but the time was only enough to destroy one antenna.
At your move we broke another antenna, captured 2 enemy and stopped, watching the retreat of the enemy.
When you replenish our ranks, we are ready to further explore the catacombs, as the threat of enemy attack more than real.

Army: KwBgzAPmIhjIIIARBAcIIFhAIEYCkAWAbMTdXYzAQizwKNwE4yL9DcB2AJnp0aObA8qZLkQOZtkLN0WISLHoJ7chWYFWwFpjClcI4URpiAAuzzbu26dlHjJ9YZdny+XYuYZUXT9+vKd3bTwKuSipqzBoGdJa8ciBhFlZy6ArodgmOpJE84rGYBkA

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