Asteroid Blues


Finding Friends In All The Wrong Places

Combined Army
VS Nomads

The Shasworth project was moving along in support of Officer Teshanii’s logistics campaign. While noisily pleading a civilian position, “Bob” Shasworth’s role was to sow chaos and paranoia, providing critical distraction while Officer Teshanii moved goods unseen through the Human Sphere.

The humans had correctly surmised the Gallery Maze’s importance for Combined Army smugglers. But the Maze was big, big enough that humans looking in the wrong part would provide enough distraction for critical work to conclude.

A Nomad sweep near Aleph territory presented the perfect prejudices. Today’s game was therefore false friendships, in the wrong part of the Maze. The operation would be a mixed engagement with limited command over Morat and Tohaa troopers. Analysis suggested that this would be more damning than Shasvastii alone.

Bob’s mandibles clacked excitedly as Neshrii, a surgically-modified Caliban pulled on Aleph fatigues. But the operation was not without risk – they would have to keep the mobile surgical pod, freshly packed into a crate, from being captured by the Nomads.


Taking the initiative, Nomad forces swept into the area, with IFF systems first pinging hostiles as Aleph. As the Kriza Borac patrol leader closed distance, it gunned down a Unidron sniper and an HMG-equipped EI Drone. Clearly something wasn’t right.

Springing into action, Suryat-Officer Kargaek heroically slaughtered the Kriza. This broke the tactical link for the enemy, their command structure suddenly as floppy as a grubling taigha. Perfect.

Pressing the advantage, an Oznat tossed out smoke, providing a vital screen for the Maakrep to unleash carnage with its HMG. From beyond their sight, she eradicated the Jaguar, Krakot, and Morlock that had been advancing on the “Aleph” operative and the surgical pod.

In disarray, the Nomad forces scrambled to take a comms array. Their traitor Krakot rushed in, likely intending to transmit updates on the situation. Their Intruder counterattacked, taking retribution against our Maakrep. The Geckos advanced and went into suppressive fire, intending to stave off movement or further assault.

Our Fraacta descended behind enemy lines, with the intent of killing the remaining threats to the surgical pod. Unfortunately, while its descent was smooth...

...the Fraacta failed to destroy their Lunokhod, as its armor shrugged off the two shots. That left its perimeter weapon systems as an unacceptable threat. For its failure, the Fraacta was ordered to charge in to deal with them… another way. It did not survive, but the perimeter weapons were neutralized.

Suryat-Officer Kargaek moved across the catwalk prone, avoiding sightlines from the Gecko or the Jaguar. In his opinion, crawling was better left to Shasvastii, but being under the command of one… this was no surprise. However, Kargaek understood the tactical need to move in and bolster the Caliban. Together, they secured the surgical pod, out of sight and with a wall of gunfire awaiting any who would approach.

The Intruder counterattacked, speculating that a grenade would break their defensive posture.

Kargaek and Neshrii dodged the explosion, their survival necessary for the pod to be secure. The Lunokhod crawled up the building, its controller intending to dislodge the traitorous collaborators using its heavy shotgun.

Foolhardy, as its electronics burned to a crisp. Wounded but alive, Kargaek reported in. The surgical pod was held. Details on the engagement had been transmitted back to local Nomad command.

(they're not in suppressive fire, I just forgot to pull the counters)

Will they find the idea of Aleph collaborators plausible? Though they didn’t get the crated surgical pod – who knows. However, they *are* looking in the wrong places, and that’s ultimately what matters most.

Bob was pleased. He was already plotting his next moves as he ordered the Shasworth assets to withdraw into the shadows of the Maze.

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