Asteroid Blues


Ninja's moment to shine ... was way too short

Yu Jing
VS Nomads


Despite having smartest leutenant, initive was seized by Nomads. They choose to act first and were forced to deployment with tall building.
Almost all of imperial troops were hiding - only brave Lunah and curious warcor were sticking out.
Nomads seperated their forces on two sides of a fence.

1 turn

On first turn Mobile Brigada at the head of Alguaciles band went after chinese forces. On the right flank -> through deployment's center -> aiming at the left flank, where main imperial force bunkered down.
But, passing corner of a building A NINJA SPRANG at them, engaging one with a missile launcher. "This is my moment" - throught ninja - "I will hack them all".
Unfortunately, nomad's veteran rounded his band and after two orders trampled poor ninja.

After a bit of shootout brigada's warband settled in the center of imperial's deployment. And turn ended with Gecko unit tacking center of the board.

In response a banch of Kuangshis swarmed from neaby building. Alguaciles were slaughtered and brigada was locked with a few of them in melee.

Other yu jing's forces made little progress through battlefield, but were able to take down Gecko without anyone of significance.

2 turn

On second turn Lunokhod went to action, bringing one of his mines - resulting in hot MINE ON MINE action. Nomads took nice positions in the middle of the battlefield without actually killing anyone.
This obstacle was also delt with firepower.

After this Su Jian made a dash to the enemy's leutenant, killing him, his buddy and duying himself. Not very flashy, but effective.

On turn 3 Nomads capitulated without having much troops to act with.

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11 People Recommended Sanaka for commendation

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Yu Jing