Asteroid Blues


Decapitated a TAC

VS Ariadna

(sorry, forgot to take pictures, so this will be a short one)

I deployed second but still got first turn (a mistake from my opponent)
This allowed me to deploy saito right next to the HVT, and superior infiltrate Shinobu safe near the ennemy deployement zone, on a building allowing me easy access to both sides as needed.

During the first turn, saito sliced the HVT easily under the cover of smoke, while shinobu takes out a ratnik then climb back to safety (a move that saved me the game I think). The O-yoroi take out one sniper then advance to vover my own HVT with it’s crazy.
In response, my opponent tries to take out shinobu but fail to do so, under the cover of my trusted Ryuken. Nevertheless, he manages to suicide a warcor to blow up both crazy and a mine protecting the HVT, then takes it out with his own datatracker.

Turn 2, I take advantage of the open field and advance my fireteam of keisotsu, overextanding in order to try to lock the enemy lieutenant and take him out during the last turn, hoping to ooverwhelm my enemy. My opponent try to hold me off and manage to kill all my fireteam, exploiting poor positioning on my side despite it’s lack of luck. Unfortunatly for him it’s too little to late, with only 4 models left, he has no chance to kill my O-Yoroi.

During the last turn, I manage to sneak up on top of the building with Shinobu, and promptly take out the enemy lieutenant. Then 2 more fell under machinegun fire froml the O-Yoroi, leaving only one last man standing, a spec ops. Desiring to keep this one alive for the campaign, he does not play its order to avoid beeing turned into mush.

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