Asteroid Blues


Operation Stumbling Rain

Combined Army
VS Yu Jing

The conflict began with a tactical blunderm, the Shasvastii comander, having shown a greater accuity arrived at the theatre first, but in taking an extra lap in order to determine the optimum deployment vector they lost the advantage of the advance strike, leading to a bloody harvest in the innitial Yu Jing assault. Shaolin operatives set up a smokescreen for the rui shi which rampaged through the smoke, disrupting the shasvastii lines with the assistance of Liu Xings that struck the nox troopers and med-tech. However, due to proper application of the jayth’s foreward tactics and some malignos supposrt the murder focuesed yu jing troops were held to gaining no added objectives, the sneaky spawn embryo holding the zones in the name of their forebearers.

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Recommend Commander For Commendation

3 People Recommended Hordshyrd for commendation

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