Asteroid Blues


Alien Master Plan: Face of the Dark Star Company

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Combined Army
VS Haqqislam

Finally the EI had given the order.


The orders were clear and concise


Kill everything that moved on Novyy Bangkok


Burn the colony to ash



Amid all the tensions elsewhere on the station life had been pretty good for the ground control crews at the NBIS, the rest of the station may be in chaos but the spaceport was more active than ever and the interventions from “customs patrols” from other nations had been mostly kept to a bare minimum.

The Dark Star Logistics corporation were a good deal to thank for that, the coming and going of their ships to their refit areas was keeping the port flush with berthing fees.

Another ship had landed, time for the customary inspection “fee” to be charged upon arrival.

The freighters cargo doors opened as the team arrived on the scene, the fire suppression systems must have come loose as out of the doorway tumbled a thick lying gas...


The humans ground crew had been too stunned to react to the assault team now the group was advancing, the kurgats had already splinted off to begin setting the charges on the mechanisms for hangar doors.

The Shasvastii intelligence briefing indicated that the control centre was directly ahead, there were several key targets to this shock assault but the traffic control centre had been flagged as the highest priority, disrupt the port and near space control systems, then the true massacre could begin.


Commence the assault

[ooc: the Soggy FAL2 get crit blinded]

Major VRANG - My optics have been overloaded by a defence REM, require support.

Raktorak MARASHI - They only have that non lethal bot on that corridor, you're clear to advance to cover.

Mj. VRANG - Affirmative.

Huntress SHENAR - Very well, I shall clear the bot.

H. SHENAR - That alley crawls I'm getting a variety of sensor pings, launching mines to cover the rooftops and falling back, I'm not going in that way. What's the right flank like?

Suryat KODRAK - They have a heavy armour covering the causeway, I'll get it under suppression.

S. KODRAK - Tough bastard got a round in me, but I took him down. Right flank clear for now.

Mj. SKORASH - Open up their defenses, Gharak, drop behind their line, you are free to engage.

Mj. SKORASH - Shit I've been marked!

H. SHENAR - Who got the kill? I think it was my mine?


R. THORSK - Major's armour has been bricked, he dodged the first one OK, but Nomask we're going to need you here.

[OOC: this fb soggy is just a crit magnet!]
a Bashi Bazouk sneaks on in my dead zone on the right flank

Mj. SKORNASH - Breaking my suppression, they have troops running across the backline which could threaten Gharak.

Target is down but I think it threw a smoke grenade.

[OOC: The other soggy also a crit magnet]

Mj. VRANG - Skorash is down, looks like his armour is about to stim him.

R. THORSK - Is that all it does? doesn't seem to stop bullets?

H. SHENAR - Enough being Coy, I hunt.

[OOC: this actually took a few orders as the Raicho missed the Kuge, and Armitage managed to tank 2 Dam 17 H.Shotgun hits (+1 dam due to scenario)

Mj. SKORASH - Eurgh, keep pushing. The EI wants this port locked down.

H. SHENAR - Back from the dead? very well, Kodrak, have your team support me on the right flank.

H. SHENAR - Suppressing the rear, taking some light fire, a drop bear and a rifle, drop bear has ducked for cover, rifle is dead. This Deadzone is mine we'll crush the rest between us as you advance.

R. MARASHI - HA HA! That little fishman had SPIRIT! Did you see that?! He almost had me until Vrang Exploded him!

Mj. SKORASH - Is that all of them?

H. SHENAR - No I can see Gharak still has his.

Mj. VRANG - Movement in the control room! Looks like they're running! Shit! I missed, Skorash?

Mj. SKORASH - Me too, think my targetter is off from those hits.


The Assault team had successfully disrupted the port facility while the engineers were at work on the hangar door mechanisms. Even now the bombs would be going off in Liberty cargo and the first terror raids on the Japanese bottom would be underway. The first insertion teams on Ji Yuan would also be about to make their preliminary assaults.

Skorash flicked the corpse of one of the ground crew off the terminal with the toe of his boot, the station news was already circulating the atrocities being committed even now under the nose of the human powers while they struggled between themselves. The Shasvastii could have their political implications, Skorash was hear to savour the terror to come.

He activated his com to the command node

+ Phase 1 is complete Prime Aspect +


The link disconnected.

Skorash was a hardened killer, even he paused at the thought of phase 2. He only hoped they had the stockpile of ammunition required for so many captive humans.

Thanks For Reading!

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