Asteroid Blues


The Avatar job

Combined Army
Glaive Commander
VS PanOceania
My good friend Luis Calzadilla, I don't know why he got this funny face.
I think that he has this funny face for my courtesy list name. Calza. El negro Loves you
El Negro

El dia en las oficinas administrativas del centro logístico UPS de panoceania se abrió una vacante en el cargo de analista de riesgos. Y nuestro querido Avatar fue a la entrevista para el trabajo.
Con su mejor corbata y su mejor perfume fue acompañado de sus buenos amigos los Daturazi, los Ikadrones, los Slaves Drones y pro supuesto su buena amiga Lady Snowblood.

Pero al llegar parece que no había nadie en las oficinas. El avatar tiene un serio problema de cleptomanía por lo que decidió antes de irse, robarse la baliza que tenían allí guardada

A vacancy in the position of risk analyst was opened at the administrative offices of the UPS logistics center in Panoceania. And our dear Avatar went to the job interview.
With his best tie and his best perfume he was accompanied by his good friends the Daturazi, the Ikadrones, the Slaves Drones and of course his good friend Lady Snowblood.

But upon arrival it seems that there was no one in the offices. The avatar has a serious kleptomania problem for what he decided before he left, steal the beacon they had stored there


CA turn
Lady snowblood trata de sorprender a un pequeño remoto que portaba un lanzallamas para evitar futuras sorpresas, pero falla miserablemente y el remoto responde con un glorioso critico dejándola Stunned.
Por su parte El Avatar entra hasta las oficinas y lo reciben dos remotos abriendo fuego contra el, eso no es problema para el avatar que los elimina sin problema. Se acerca a la baliza y la toma pero una mina le explota en el rostro haciéndole una herida. Dentro de un cubículo de la oficina estaban las tropas enemigas de Acontecimento que usando sus dispositivos de hackeo y sus jammer tratan de detenerlo, lo logran ponerlo inmovilizado 1. Pero no por mucho Su buen amiguito Slave drone vino para rescatarlo y que el jefe pudiera seguir su camino de vuelta desilusionado porque la entrevista fue una farsa.

Lady snowblood tries to surprise a small remote that carried a flamethrower to avoid future surprises, but fails miserably and the remote responds with a glorious critic leaving her Stunned.
The Avatar enters the offices and two remotes receive him opening fire against him, that is no problem for the avatar that eliminates them without problem. He approaches the beacon and takes it but a mine explodes in his face causing him a wound. Inside an office cubicle were the enemy troops of Acontecimento that using their hacking devices and their jammer try to stop him, they manage to put him immobilized 1. But not by far His good friend Slave drone came to rescue him and that the boss could follow his way back disappointed because the interview was a farce.

Acontecimento Turn
El fireteam sale del cubículo y busca flanquear al ejercito combinado posicionándose estratégicamente para comenzar la avanzada
Lady Snowblood cae ante el fuego enemigo.
Dart avanza cerca del avatar y logra lanzar una Granada E/M de forma especulativa pero el avatar logra esquivarla

The fireteam leaves the cubicle and seeks to flank the combined army strategically positioning itself to begin the advanced
Lady Snowblood falls before the enemy fire.
Dart advance and throw a E/M granade to the Avatar but he dodge the granade

Avatar excited for the job interview
Montesa on her Bike
Fireteam hide on the cubicle
The avatar does not know how to tie a necktie
That's not the way to receive the Avatar, that was rude
They hacked the avatar's hotmail account
thank you little friend
Fireteam advance
Lady Snowblood Stunned

round 2

CA turn
El Daturazi avanza hasta donde se encuentra la Dart y con una suave caricia acaba con ella.
El otro Daturazi avanza hasta donde esta el Fireteam y descarga su chain rifle contra el líder Badtz maru, ambos logran salvar blindaje, el daturazi vuelve a avanzar esta vez alcanzando con su chain rifle a otros miembros del fireteam que esta vez esquiva, pero uno de ellos cae ante el chain rifle, el badtz maru logra esquivar la ráfaga, ya mas cerca el daturazi avanza hasta el combate melee y elimina al batz maru sin complicaciones, vuelve a avanzar y ataca al resto del fireteam que fallan la esquivada, luego ataca a la montesa mientras ella responde con fuego pero una vez mas el daturazi salva blindaje. Avanza un poco mas pero cae ante el fuego enemigo dejando undaño al enemigo.
The Daturazi advances to where the Dart is and with a gentle caress ends it.
The other Daturazi advances to where the Fireteam is and unloads its chain rifle against the leader Badtz maru, both manage to save armor, the daturazi advances again this time reaching with his chain rifle to other members of the fireteam that this time dodges, but one of them falls before the chain rifle, the badtz maru manages to dodge the blast, and closer the daturazi advances to the close combat and eliminates the batz maru without complications, advances again and attacks the rest of the fire team they try to dodge but fail, then attack the montesa while she responds with fire but once again the daturazi saves armor. Move forward a little more but fall before the enemy fire.

Acontecimento turn
Acontecimento troops wounded in combat ask the doctor who leaves and manages to heal two troops.
Las tropas de acontecimiento heridas en combate piden ayuda a la doctora que sale y logra curar a dos tropas.

One last caress
Lucky bastard Daturazi
daturazi and his chain rifle reaching Badtz Maru
Daturazi and Badtz maru, one love story
they dance

round 3

CA turn
Un lindo ikadron avanza hasta la enfermería y descarga sus dos lanzallamas ligeros contra la doctora y compañía, uno de ellos logra esquivar pero el resto falla y pasan al pabellón de quemados, el ikadron vuelve a descargar el fuego contra ellos esta vez el enemigo no tuvo tanta suerte. Luego el ikadron avanza hasta donde estaba el guardia de asalto y le ofrece un poco de fuego para un cigarrillo que el guardia quería encender

A cute ikadron advances to the infirmary and unloads his two light flamethrowers against the doctor and company, one of them manages to dodge but the rest fails and they go to the burn pavilion, the ikadron returns to discharge the fire against them this time the enemy did not have So much luck. Then the ikadron advances to where the assault guard was and offers him some fire for a cigarette that the guard wanted to light.

Acontecimiento turn



black order legion: 10 (263)

acontecimento: 0 (10)

anothe impressive victory for the black order legion


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Glaive Commander