Asteroid Blues


Countermeasures at Xaraks Battery Field

VS Tohaa

First up, this will just be a quick summary because I completly forgot to take pictures or make notes. So I have some out of context pictures from my opponent and will try to remember what happened ๐Ÿ™‚
We decided to just play countermeasures, because we felt like it. Enjoy


I won the roll of and decided to take first turn, as I thought it would be favourable in this mission.
My Teams Sirius were deployed pretty aggressively (the FO being my Datatracker), Epsilon found again a nice rooftop to lay upon with the Betatrooper not far away. Dakini MSR covered the left flank with the Monstrucker laying just beside him.
The rest spread out through my deployment zone.

Opposite of me he had 3 Triads, one defensivly with the Gao-Rael Sniper looking out for AROs, the rest spread out on the right side.
The Greif was laying just in front of my Red Fury Team Sirius. The rest was hiding.

While I decided to deploy my HVTs on opposite ends of the table and one in the middle, my opponent just dropped all 3 of them in the middle base to base with each other ๐Ÿ˜€

Turn 1 O12:
There was a perfect spot for my Delta to run onto the field not in the exclusion zone and not being seen by anyone. So he ran onto the field and scored with the first 3 orders of the game Sabotage as well as Net-Undermine. The Delta is REALLY valuable in this mission and Highly Classified, as he is a FO specialist, a Veteran, a Medium Infantry and has D-Charges.
The Epsilon took the challange, stood up and shot at the Gao-Rael, taking his mate off him. The Gao-Rael then decided he didn’t want any of that and failed his guts roll. The Varangian smoked the Greif so my Team Sirius could advance. Sadly I got a Sakiel, a Chaksa and a Makaul under 1 Riotstopper template but all managed to evade the glue while my bot got unconscious. The Red Fury lady then shot at his FO Sukeul scoring a crit and taking a wound off him.
The Epsilon also wounded one Makaul and laid back down on his rooftop.
Gangbuster send his Madtraps a bit further forward which would be important in the next round.

Turn 1 Tohaa:
The Kaauri managed to wound my Dakini on the first try, also the Kumotail healed the wounded Makaul. The then re-formed Triad of Sakiel FO, Gao-Rael Spitfire and Makaul went forward, killing my Delta and Kyttรค while also scoring Follow-Up and Kidnapping.
He then tried to drag my wounded Sirius Red Fury to my side of the table for Capture with his Datatracker, Lt, FO Sukeul but gut glued by a Madtrap before he could reach he got glued by a Madtrap ๐Ÿ˜€
The Greif tried to take some Troops with him while being suicided, but got a crit in the face by the Gangbuster and Varangian Guard dodged.
A Makaul sneaked it’s way to CC with the Epsilon, who thankfully survived the Viral CCW thanks to his Bioimmunity.

Turn 2 O12:
The Doctor Beta shot the Makaul in CC with my Epsilon unconscious which then scored me an easy Extreme Prejudice with my next order.
Most of the Turn was my Betatrooper shooting at the Gao-Rael with Spitfire, who just tanked like 7 or 8 shots when he already lost his Mate and Symbioarmor…
I tried the same trick he did with dragging the opponent to his side for capture but failing too many rolls.

Turn 2 Tohaa:
Not really much happened here either. The Kauuri was switched to the Main Combat Group and shot my Datatracker, while also moving over the whole table just to score Identity Check on my last available HVT. Some other Troops were send a bit more forward in preparation of turn 3.

Turn 3 O12:
I drew Test Run which I then could immediatly fulfill with the Monstrucker laying just beside the Dakini.
Also Nanoespionage was on the table and while I think it’s one of the most disgusting classifieds to fulfill the Imm2 Sukeul was a perfect target and I managed to go up to 5 classifieds fullfilled. Otherwise I think I shot the Kauuri and nothing really else happened.

Turn 3 Tohaa:
Bad luck with card draw saw him getting 2 of 3 classified for hackers, which he had none of.
So his turn was killing some of my remaining troops and tring to score Mapping, but failing his rolls.

So end result was an 8 to 3 for the O12 against our friedly neighborhood cabbage-headed alien friends, whatever they wanted to do at Xaraks Battery Field ๐Ÿ™‚

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