Asteroid Blues


Deserters in the Maze

Agent Steel
VS PanOceania

O-12 wins LT roll. I take first turn

O-12 Turn 1:
First turn I was unable to crack the Hmg fire team with the gamma and decided to focus on removing opponents Peacmaker from the board but only mange to immobilise it.

Pano Turn 1:
My opponent starts by killing my gamma Data Tracker and moves his Sqalo out but lucky my vargaran dodges 2 shots and moves to cover. Sqalo Spec fires 3 times my Alpha Lt lucky I dodge 2 and he misses 1. Opponent then FO’s 4 antennas.

O-12 Turn 2:
Vargaran impetuous order throws smoke around Epsilon. Kappa FO moves forward and managed to spot 4 antennas. Epsilon moves in smoke to shoot all 4 antennas. Second Kappa FO’s spots 5th antenna.

Pano Turn 2:
Opponent FO’s and shoots 4 antennas evening the score. Looses a few troops to the hazardous environment.

O-12 Turn 3:
In a bid for the last antenna I move the Kappa forward in smoke to take control manually and have the Epsilon finish it off. Varangian moves around to kill the Designated Target.

Pano Turn 3:
Opponent manages (after too many orders) to finally kill the Epsilon with the Squalo. Squalo then moves forward to kill my designated target. My other Varagian waiting for it passes the engage roll but dies due to the Hazardous Environment. Squalo obliterates the Target and the game ends.

!!!O-12 Victory!!!

Thanks to Dan (Screamsattrees) for the game, short narrative to follow soon.

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Agent Steel