Asteroid Blues


Losing the Node

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With a flicker of green lights from his wrist guard signalling the death of the designated target Artur wiped the blood from his nose and slumped back against the shipping containing. He tried to check his HUD to check the life signs of his crew but the feedback from the deva hacker’s brain blast still rattled his skull he could taste the metallic twang from where he’d bitten down so hard he’d taken off the tip of his tongue. He pulled off his helmet and threw it to the ground.
He forced his head back so he could look over his shoulder at the mouth of the alleyway there hadn’t been any movement for the past ten minutes. He’d watched Cisco one of the fiercest Intruder’s to every grace the ships dart under heavy fire from the O.S.S.I into that kill zone “I’m taking that god damn tin can’s eyes!” Were those the last words he would hear from his old comrade?
He knew his soldiers had been eager for blood after the beating they’d taken at the space port. That’s why he’d said nothing as the Dak who’d saved his life and the Alguaciles ran into the breach determined to secure the terminals against the invaders.
Artur tried to hit the Dak’s com up again, a short ring as it tried to connect then nothing.
He opened the com channel to the tactical command.
“This is Sword 19-08 to Command; we have failed to secure the relay. The merc’s tagged us at the space port, the O.S.S.I knew we were coming. We lost Corellio and Munro in the first half hour of the engagement. Heavy casualties followed, we lost the recovery target. We are currently holding the relay but will have to retreat to avoid more casualties.” He paused, he knew what was needed.
“Command, I would recommend that we send in the Corregidor strike team and tell them –“ another paused he looked around at the battlefield , he could just about make out shapes in the distance hiding behind a power pylon the sound of small arms fire did not stop.
This was not a fight for smart men these defeats had taught him that.
“Tell the Sergeant Cortez to initiate Slash and Burn Protocol 0615, civilian casualties are acceptable and encouraged. They think we’re burnt let’s show these metal freaks and their piston sucking friends what it is like to truly burn.”

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