Asteroid Blues


There’s no good day in hell

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Combined Army
VS Tohaa
Jager Nadim

It was a mission doomed from the beginning.

The SEF needed to tie up the Tohaa movements in the battleground that Main Street has become. The speculo agents Aida Swanson and Victor Messer had informed the Malignos Officer, Nae-mas, of their shadow shooter agent’s knowledge of the Tohaa movements and he had responded with a small team of Jayth, their Taigha, a single Noctifier and a team of shrouded and a single angry Caliban. It was a small force hastily mobilized and set for a delaying action only.

The Tohaa infiltrated a greif operator, obviously not one of the Sygmaa collaborators the Shasvasti were used to working with and it moved unnoticed past Aida and her Taigha guard. The Noctifier pounced when it saw a a Draal and a Makaul move in his line of Fire, shooting a missile that exploded next to the Makaul while the Draal leaped to safety. The greif operator responded by shooting the unwary Noctifier. The Draal then moved up and activated a panel, revealing the designated target first off. The greif operator then killed Aida and the Taigha. The Draal then went and killed the designated target.
In response a Cadmus KHD drooped onto the battlefield behind using its decoys to clear mines and bombs. The Tohaa were extremely vigilant however and every enemy that could turn to see the seed, turned. The remaining Taigha moved up and was Erasered in response. The shadow shooter moved up, shooting and killing the Tohaa shadow shooter and wounding another enemy. A shrouded FO moved up and capturing an antenna and revealing the enemy designated target which dodged shadow shooter bullets and moved into hiding.
The Surda and it’s handler moved near the Cadmus which activated its chest mine on the Surda. The Surda shrugged off the damage and the Cadmus went down to their combined weapons fire. The Surda moved up and killed the shadow shooter. It also killed the shrouded. Then it moved up and resisted shots from a number of our forces killing the Taigha and the Caliban finally moving up and wounding Victor Messer in the Shas deployment zone. The handler finished Messer off.
In response the Jayth knocked the Surda handler out then went to go kill the designated target but with so few orders it escaped. In the final turn, the Draal raised up and gunned the Jayth down ending the Shasvasti holding action. Only the Malignos LT slunk away into the shadows.

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Jager Nadim