Asteroid Blues


You wouldn't believe what Durian Inspectors found at the Ammo! Tohaa vs Invincible Army,

Lion Tremere
VS Yu Jing

Tohaa vs Invincible Army, Phase 1 - Xaraks Battery: Ammo module, 26.09.2019

It was a usual day in the Ammo. Fending of hordes of Ariadnan and O-12 troopers, burning some embryo-seeds, rooting out hidden Shasvastii, etc. You know, generally saving the day for all the Sentient races of the Galaxy.
But then they appeared.. Durian Inspectors! Bearing "Burn the durians, save Mankind" signs they advanced down to one of the Armories, supposedly being lured by all the durian smell. Well, we can't have our friendly guests not entertained, can we? That would be a sign of a bad host. Lion Tremere and his triads took the positions, ready for a tea party.


Tohaa forces:
Group one:
1. Defensive triad with Gao-Rael sniper, Kaeltar with symbiomates and Taagma posing as a Sukeul missile launcher just to mess a bit with the opponent.
2. Attacking triad with Sukeul HMG, Hatail Aelis Keesan Sensor-KHD and a Makaul
3. Liberto minelayer
4. Draal SMG minelayer
5. Two Chaksa Auxiliars with heavy flamethrowers

Group two:
6. Clipsos minelayer
7. Leuty's retinue triad: Sakiel Leutenant with the viral combi, Kamael paramedic, Kriigel SMG a.k.a. 'Living Jammer'
8. Esteemed Tohaa Diplomatic Delegate 'Diplomat-chan'

I apologize for the amount of unpainted models and proxies. I've just received Spiral Corps box and will try to paint them asap.
Nice freshly painted army


My adversary is conspiring something sinister, I'm sure!

Invincible Army Turn 1

Right of the bat Durian Inspectors decided to remove every alien on sight. And the first was a Gao-Rael sniper who was just enjoying the nice view with a cup of hot tea, but five-man powered HMG turned him into a guacamole. Such brutality. T__T
Next IA turn their attention to a Kamael who just peeked from the corner. But this time Tai Sheng find her gun firing not in the optimal range and Kamael, laughing in the face of certain death, managed to strip a wound from Tai Sheng with a crit before being shredded into pieces. Diplomat-chan soon followed her friend Kamael and got shot by the Tai Sheng.

Liu Xing decided that he can't have his ground-bound brothers taking all the glory and descended down on the battlefield. Clipsos-chan decided to act and wounded a drop trooper with a single combi shot. Unfortunately, Tai Sheng found a line of sight to the stealthy Clipsos and managed to put her unconscious from the first shot. Zhencha used DEP to splatter the walls green, as Taagma got surprised from the corner.

Using his remaining orders, Durian Inspectors and his fireteam moved up the field, opened up an Armory, took something from it and hide behind the armored walls. An innocent mine was brutally shot on the way.

Tohaa turn 1

"Oh, look, what a time it is? It's vengeance o'clock!"
All remaining Trident soldiers Draal activated Stratocloud and rushed up the field, his submachine gun blasting and spitting fire on the unyielding foes. First to go down was a HaiDao sniper, failing his shot and shredded with armor-piercing rounds. Next in line was a ZuYong HMG and finally a ZuYong combi, failing most of their shots and receiving some AP pills from your friendly Draal saboteur. Finally, a Libertos moved inside to score a zone for Tohaa.

Invincible Army turn 2

Five orders were spent by the Zhanshi doc and Tai Sheng in an attempts to shoot the elusive Draal. Who was just dancing on the spot and singing "Can't touch this! Tu~du~du~". But finally, he got tired and decided to take a nap in the uncon state.
Tai Sheng got shot on way in the Armory, this forced DaoYing to come out of hiding and near the Armory. DaoYing data scanned an unconscious Draal and went back to the Camo state.

Tohaa turn 2

Libertos used centuries-old "Hello, there is a mine and a shotgun in the face" trick to deal with ZuYoung shotgun but was gravely wounded himself in the process.
Unfortunately, the same trick didn't work out so well with the DaoYing and it was Sakiel who had to finish the job with his trusty viral combi and claiming back Armory to the Tohaa's cause.
From his battlements, Kaeltar tried to shoot a LiuXing but failed horribly and barely escaped death.

Invincible Army turn 3

Using three command tokens to turn all remaining orders regular, Zhencha moved inside the Armory shooting both the Kriigel in the distance and Sakiel inside. Sakiel got shot in the back and went unconscious.

Tohaa turn 3

Sukeul attack triad blasted Zhencha with a well aimed HMG shots and went inside of the Armory. Makaul and Aelis Keesan hungrily rushed to the panoplies looting them down.
Another glorious victory for the Trident Sentinels!

Tohaa vs Invincible Army
Survivors 183:57

A customary "Before the Harry's bar" photo.

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Lion Tremere