Asteroid Blues


The Black Order Legion farewell

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Combined Army
Glaive Commander
VS Ariadna

Llego la indeseada batalla final de nuestra campaña por Asteroid blues.
Y la legion de la Orden Negra se despide de Novyy Bangkok arrasando con sus adversarios.
Ha sido una campaña maravillosa la cual he disfrutado mucho
No me queda mas que decir gracias por estas cuatro semanas maravillosas
Haciendo un reconocimiento especial a mis compañeros de juego
Commander Victor_BX
Commander Copernyko
Commander Alucardh
Commander Csalba
Commander Willroarke
COmmanderFather Knight Luisjoey
Commander SirluisXV

Sin ellos no hubiese sido posible haber disfrutado tanto de esta campaña.
De verdad gracias

The unwanted final battle of our campaign for Asteroid blues arrived.
And the Black Order Legion says goodbye to Novyy Bangkok, sweeping away their adversaries.
It has been a wonderful campaign which I enjoyed very much.
I have no more to say thanks for these four wonderful weeks.
Making a special recognition to my playmates
Commander Victor_BX
Commander Copernyko
Commander Alucardh
Commander Csalba
Commander Willroarke
COmmanderFather Knight Luisjoey
Commander SirluisXV

Without them it would not have been possible to have enjoyed this campaign so much.
Really thank you folks

let's start our final match report

My good friend Commander Copernyko

round 1

Jugabamos en territorio de Haqqislam (mi eterno amor) y la mision tiene una particular cualidad, uno de los jugadores podra alinear un Yuan Yuan en su lista.
Lanzamos los dados y adivinen a quien le toco un Zolmen Feliz?

We played in Haqqislam territory (my eternal love) and the mission has a plus, one of the players will be able to align a Yuan Yuan on their list.
We roll the dice and guess who can align a Happy Zolmen?

a happy zolmen, is a happy army

Nuestro despliegue tenia dos Q Drones bien posicionados listos para reaccionar ante cualquier ataque enemigo. asi que debiamos movernos rapido para buscar cumpir la mayor cantidad de misiones posibles

Las misiones:
- Debiamos reparar un punto de estructura con el ingeniero (spec ops)
- Debiamos realizar un coup de grace
- Debiamos realizar una tirada de voluntad -3 con un hacker en zona de control del HVT enemigo
- Debiamos hacer un chequeo de voluntad con el Data tracker en contacto peana con peana con una tropa especialista enemiga

Dificiles misiones, pero la Legion de la Orden negra esta preparada para eso y mas

Our deployment had two well positioned Q Drones ready to react to any enemy attack. So we had to move fast to seek to fulfill as many missions as possible

The missions:
- We had to repair a structure point with the engineer (spec ops)
- We had to make a coup de grace
- We had to make a will roll -3 with a hacker in the control zone of the enemy HVT
- We had to do a will check with the Data tracker in contact base with base with an enemy specialist troop

Difficult missions, but the Black Order Legion is prepared for that and more

Nox Fireteam Led by Cadmus Agent Sheskiin
Q Drones 8 dices on reaction
Jayth with Thaiga creatura Sync (i want to test this profile but i didn't like it because your thaiga loss the 2 orders)

Shasvastii Turn
En nuestra fase impetuosa comenzamos avanzando la única criatura thaiga que teníamos en juego (aparte de la que estaba sincronizada con el Jayth).
Luego vendría zolmen que aterriza cerca de donde esta el datatracker enemigo.
Este avanza y dispara al data tracker pero el enemigo logra salvar blindaje, sin embargo estaba a corta distancia del teniente enemigo asi que zolmen subió las escaleras y simplemente abrió fuego con su escopeta de abordaje al coronel Voronin el cual no puedo hacer mas que caer inconsciente.
Un enemigo menos.
El Fireteam de NOX avanzo para cortar distancia con el HVT enemigo.
Lady Medea subió a la estructura donde se encontraba el Sniper T2 enemigo y allí lo ejecuto con su arma CC Monofilo para luego caer ante el fuego enemigo. Sin embargo esta logra usar su automedikit y revivir para atacar una vez mas al Fireteam enemigo.

In our impetuous phase we started advancing the only thaiga creature we had at stake (apart from the one that was synchronized with the Jayth).
Then zolmen that lands near where the enemy datatracker is.
He advances and shoots the data tracker but the enemy manages to save armor, however it was a short distance from the enemy lieutenant so zolmen climbed the stairs and simply opened fire with his boarding shotgun to Colonel Voronin which I can do nothing but fall unconscious .
One enemy less.
The NOX Fireteam advanced to cut distance with the enemy HVT.
Lady Medea went up to the structure where the enemy Sniper T2 was and there she executed it with her CC Monofilament weapon and then fell by the enemy fire. However, she manages to use her automedikit and revive to attack the enemy Fireteam once more.
Jayth advance but fell by enemy fire.

The Battlefield
Our HVT and a cute thaiga creature
Line Kazak Sniper T2
Part of the Fireteam
Line kazaks fireteam
Last time we saw Colonel Voronin alive
Jewish fat Yuan Yuan ZOLMEN landing
Zolmen shooting Enemy Data Tracker
Zolmen killing the Enemy Lieutenant
Thaiga creature know how to kill too
Lady medea looking to kiss the Line Kazak Sniper T2
Vagina face
good bye kazak
Lady Medea fell by the enemy fire.
But wasn't enough to remove her from batllefield. She know how to use an automedikit

Tartary Turn
Sin teniente el ejercito Tartary debia buscar la manera de vencer la batalla
Avanzando con un Irmandinho y usando granadas de humo, logra llegar hasta donde el Fireteam Nox se había posicionado, este quería cumplir la misión contra nuestra tropa especialista en contacto peana con peana, pero en el camino se consiguió a la Agente Cadmus Sheskiin que usando su habilidad Protheion sacaba de combate al Irmandinho
Un line Kazak abrió fuego contra los Q Drones pero estos respondieron con todo, eliminándolo de la mesa

Without Lieutenant the Tartary army should look for a way to win the battle
Advancing with an Irmandinho and using smoke grenades, he manages to get to where the Fireteam Nox had positioned himself, he wanted to fulfill the mission against our specialist troop in contact base with base, but on the way he got Agent Cadmus Sheskiin that using his Protheion skill drew the Irmandinho out.

A Line Kazak opened fire on the Q Drones but they responded with everything, removing it from the table

Irmandinho advance wiht smoke granades
But Agent Cadmus Sheskiin know how to fight with her bare hands
Q Drone eliminate the Line Kazak

round 2

Shasvastii Turn
Lady Snowblood avanza para cumplir la mission de superar un chequeo de voluntad contra una tropa especialista enemiga y lo consigue a cambio de recibir impactos del enemigo pero esta logra salvar el blindaje.
Sheskiin ejecuta Coup de grace en el Irmandinho subiendo mas su atributo de heridas.
Para luego avanzar hacia el HVT enemigo y poder ejecutar con el Hacker (spec ops) la misión correspondiente.

Lady Snowblood advances to fulfill the mission of will roll check against an enemy specialist troop and achieves it in exchange for receiving impacts from the enemy but this manages to save the armor.
Sheskiin executes Coup de grace in Irmandinho, raising his wound attribute.
Then move on to the enemy HVT and be able to execute the corresponding mission with the Hacker (spec ops).

Speculo Lady Snowblood Data tracker
Armour Saving
Agent Cadmus Sheskiin did Coup de grace on Irmandinho
Both Mission done
Another mission done

Tartary Turn
El ejercito tartary avanzo y busco cumplir alguno de los objetivos pero fracaso miserablemente.

The tartary army advanced and sought to fulfill some of the objectives but failed miserably,

round 3 (the farewell)

Shasvastii Turn
La Legion de la orden negra solo debia asegurar el HVT enemigo lo cual logra sin problemas. Y esperar para concretar la victoria.

The Black Order Legion should only ensure the enemy HVT which achieves without problems. And wait to realize the victory.

Al final el oficial de enlace supera el chequeo de voluntad para asegurar los 10 puntos

In the end the liaison officer passes the will roll to secure the 10 points.

The missions


black order legion: 10 (232)

Tartary Army: 3 (220)

the last stand and the farewell from asteroid blues for the Black order legion

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13 People Recommended Glaive Commander for commendation

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Combined Army
Glaive Commander