Asteroid Blues


Vodka is stronger than bullets

VS Nomads

Nos estabamos infiltrado en base Nomada, nos posicionamos y tomamos control de un club y un centro comercial. nos empezaron a asediar con misiles y el enemigo empezo a avanzar con confianza tomando el control de algunas antenas, nuestro bombardeo logro mantener a raya a esos Hollowmans infernales, pero gracias a los valerosos esfuerzos del gran heroe Vassily Plushenko logro derribar a esas maquinas inservibles y tomando el control de tres antenas.
Al final los pateticos esfuerzos de los hackers Nomandas hicieron pujas para mantener el control pero fracasaron rotundamente por la inteligencia estrategica de nuestros espias.

We were infiltrated in Nomads base, we positioned ourselves and took control of a club and a shopping center. they began to besiege us with missiles and the enemy began to move forward with confidence taking control of some antennas, our bombing managed to keep those infernal Hollowmen at bay, but thanks to the courageous efforts of the great hero Vassily Plushenko managed to knock down those useless machines and taking control of three antennas.
In the end, the patented efforts of the Nomands hackers made bids to maintain control but failed flatly because of the strategic intelligence of our spies.

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3 People Recommended copernyko for commendation

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