Asteroid Blues


The Dammed/Los Condenados



Sabían que iban a morir. Ese no era el punto. Esperaban que su sacrificio fuera útil para la nación Nómada, que se encontraba realizando una incursión a gran escala en los túneles del asteroide en contra de la IA y el ejército combinado. Su objetivo era sacar al conejo de la madriguera y llevarlo a otro territorio. El tugurio japonés era el lugar perfecto, el caos en el sitio era perfecto.
Cuerpos nómadas infiltrados se encontraban en el lugar y había corrido el rumor que tenían información de lo que estaba ocurriendo en el bar de Harry y ALEPH quería encontrar esa información.


They knew they were going to die. That was not the point. They expected their sacrifice to be useful for the Nomadic nation, which was making a large-scale incursion into the asteroid tunnels against the AI and the combined army. His goal was to take the rabbit out of the burrow and take it to another territory. The Japanese slum was the perfect place, the chaos on the site was perfect.
Infiltrated nomadic bodies were in place and the rumor had spread that they had information about what was happening in Harry’s bar and ALEPH wanted to find that information.

La IA avanzó muy rápido por el campo de batalla valiéndose del humo llevando a sus soldados hasta las consolas con las cuales trataron de descubrir al HVT nómada. En principio no lo lograron, y por descarte debieron utilizar la última consola que se encontraba en las calles. Comenzaron a atacar con fuego pesado destruyendo al ejército nómada dejando solo en pie a Wild Bill y al Sin-eater. Las muñecas de trapo de la trinidad solo dieron de baja a dos thorakitais y a uno de los soldados con lanzamisiles de ALEPH.
La victoria fue para la IA, pero la verdadera batalla, la que importaba, se dio en otro lugar, y la IA se dio cuenta demasiado tarde.

“We are not noble people, we are not the heroes of the people; we are space punks, we are sidereal chaos, we are Bakunin and we are coming for you”.


The AI advanced very fast through the battlefield using the smoke taking its soldiers to the consoles with which they tried to discover the nomadic HVT. In principle they failed, and by discard they had to use the last console that was in the streets. They began to attack with heavy fire destroying the nomadic army leaving Wild Bill and Sin-eater alone. Trinity rag dolls only released two thorakitais and one of the soldiers with ALEPH missile launchers.
The victory was for the AI, but the real battle, the one that mattered, took place elsewhere, and the AI realized too late.
“We are not noble people, we are not the heroes of the people; we are space punks, we are sidereal chaos, we are Bakunin and we are coming for you ”.

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