Asteroid Blues


Retrieving information in the maze / Recuperando informaci贸n en el laberinto

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Yu Jing
VS O-12

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La misi贸n era clara, escanear todas las consolas de datos posibles del laberinto, extrayendo los datos sensibles y despu茅s destruirlas para que ninguna otra facci贸n tuviera estos datos. Adem谩s, ten铆amos conocimiento de que un civil proscrito del estadoimperio andaba suelto, era importante acabar con 茅l.

El operativo de Yu Jing se dispuso con una avanzadilla de 2 guilangs y 1 zencha, que abrieron el camino; y dirigidos por un operativo daoying consiguieron marcar 4 de las consolas. La quinta la marc贸 la m茅dico, que se qued贸 por la zona protegi茅ndola. Enfrente hab铆a un grupo de seguridad de 012, que no iba a permitir una incursi贸n as铆, y mucho menos el robo de informaci贸n, antes de que la robasen, ellos mismos ten铆an orden de destruir las consolas. El zencha fue pillado por sorpresa y aislado por un hacker sirius. El imperio de jade respondi贸 revelando un hac tao, que acab贸 con el remoto del team sirius e intercambi贸 disparos con el grupo de O12, haci茅ndoles retroceder. Eso di贸 tiempo al mowang para posicionarse en mitad del laberinto y entrar en fuego de supresi贸n, protegiendo varias consolas que ten铆a a la vista. Mientras tanto, los dos guilang, el zencha y el ingeniero minaron el terrero para proteger a煤n m谩s la operaci贸n de Yu Jing.

Era el turno de O12, no iban a permitir una incursi贸n as铆. Primero recuperaron a sus dos bajas con el ingeniero y su servidor. Despu茅s movilizaron al team sirius para cazar lo que estuviese a tiro, pero no tuvieron suerte en el tiroteo y tuvieron que refugiarse, el mowang era demasiado duro ah铆 en medio. Era la hora de llamar a la caballer铆a. El Omega apareci贸 con intenciones de finalizar la refriega, hiriendo al mowang y dejando inconscientes a la m茅dico de yu jing y al remoto mensajero del pulso flash. Parece que quer铆a m谩s as铆 que se la jug贸 y fue a por el hac tao y el mowang, pero le sali贸 mal y acab贸 inconsciente. El gamm entr贸 en escena, hiriendo todav铆a m谩s al mowang que ya apenas podia contener el fuego, pero consigui贸 disparar su ca帽贸n akrylat e inmovilizar al gamma.

Era el momento de destruir la informaci贸n robada. El ingeniero corri贸 a ayudar al zencha, que destruy贸 con su DEP una de las consolas. El Hac Tao se olvid贸 de matar, guard贸 su HMG y desenfund贸 su arma DA antimaterial. Destruy贸 otras 2 consolas, ya s贸lo quedaban 2. Se qued贸 a cubierto preparado para destruir las otras dos en cuanto tuviese oportunidad. Mientras el mowang avanz贸, acabando con otro sirius y consolidando la posici贸n. El guilang hacker de asalto subi贸 por unos contenedores, y aprovech谩ndose de su camuflaje atac贸 por detr谩s al civil traidor, asesin谩ndolo sin piedad. Poco honorable pero efectivo, sin testigos.

O12 tuvo que reorganizarse de nuevo, recuperando con el m茅dico e ingeniero de nuevo a sus unidades ca铆das o inmovilizadas. El omega lo volvi贸 a intentar, pero fracas贸, as铆 que tuvo que quedarse a cubierto. El sirius y los otros especialistas de O12 ten铆an que tomar las consolas y destruirlas, o fracasar铆an. Tomaron las 4 consolas que quedaban, entonces el Gamma empu帽贸 su feuerbach y destruy贸 2 de ellas.

Era la 煤ltima oportunidad de Yu Jing. El hac tao destruy贸 las dos consolas que quedaban, intent贸 hacer lo propio con la 煤ltima pero no fue posible as铆 que se qued贸 defendi茅ndola. El sirius que quedaba intent贸 acabar con el mowang pero era una roca. El otro sirius, en un ataque suicida intent贸 escanear otra consola, pero no consigui贸 robarla y el hac tao dio buena cuenta de 茅l. Por su parte, el zencha y el guilang se suicidaron por la causa, ralentizando a煤n m谩s a O12.

Final de misi贸n:
Yu Jing consigue escanear 5 consolas y O12 escanea 4.
Yu Jing y O12 destruyen 4 consolas cada uno.
Yu Jing acaba con el HVT designado.

Total : 8 – 2 victoria para Yu Jing.

Gloria para el imperio de jade.


The mission was clear, scan all possible data consoles in the maze, extracting sensitive data and then destroy them so that no other faction had this data. In addition, we were aware that an outlaw civilian from the imperial state was on the loose, it was important to kill him.

The operation of Yu Jing was arranged with an advance of 2 guilangs and 1 zencha, who opened the way; and led by a daoying operative they managed to score 4 of the consoles. The fifth was marked by the doctor, who stayed in the area protecting her. Opposite there was a security group of 012, which was not going to allow such a raid, much less the theft of information, before they stole it, they themselves had orders to destroy the consoles. The Zencha was caught by surprise and isolated by a Sirius hacker. The jade empire responded by revealing a hac tao, which ended the team Sirius’ remote and exchanged shots with the O12 group, pushing them back. That gave the Mowang time to position himself in the middle of the maze and enter suppression fire, protecting several consoles he had in sight. Meanwhile, the two guilang, the Zencha and the engineer undermined the ground to further protect Yu Jing’s operation.
It was the turn of O12, they were not going to allow such a raid. First they recovered their two casualties with the engineer and his server. Then they mobilized the Sirius team to hunt down whatever was on fire, but they had no luck in the shooting and had to take refuge, the mowang was too hard there in the middle. It was time to call the cavalry. The Omega appeared with intentions to end the fray, injuring the mowang and leaving yu jing’s doctor and the remote messenger of the flash pulse unconscious. It seems he wanted more so he played it and went for the hac tao and the mowang, but it went wrong and he ended up unconscious. The gamm entered the scene, further injuring the mowang that could barely contain the fire, but he managed to fire his akrylat cannon and immobilize the gamma.

It was time to destroy the stolen information. The engineer ran to help the Zencha, who destroyed with his DEP one of the consoles. The Hac Tao forgot to kill, put away his HMG and drew his anti-material DA weapon. He destroyed another 2 consoles, there were only 2 left. He was under cover prepared to destroy the other two as soon as he had a chance. While the mowang advanced, ending another sirius and consolidating the position. The guilang assault hacker climbed up some containers, and, taking advantage of his camouflage, attacked the traitorous civilian from behind, killing him mercilessly. Little honorable but effective, without witnesses.
O12 had to reorganize again, recovering with his doctor and engineer back to his fallen or immobilized units. The omega tried again, but failed, so he had to stay covered. Sirius and the other O12 specialists had to take the consoles and destroy them, or they would fail. They took the 4 remaining consoles, then the Gamma held his feuerbach and destroyed 2 of them.

It was Yu Jing’s last chance. The hac tao destroyed the two remaining consoles, tried to do the same with the last one but it was not possible so he stood defending it. The remaining Sirius tried to end the mowang but it was a rock. The other Sirius, in a suicide attack tried to scan another console, but failed to steal it and the hac tao gave a good account of it. On the other hand, Zencha and Guilang committed suicide for the cause, slowing down even more to O12.

Mission End:
Yu Jing manages to scan 5 consoles and O12 scans 4.
Yu Jing and O12 destroy 4 consoles each.
Yu Jing ends the designated HVT.

Total: 8 – 2 victory for Yu Jing.

Glory to the jade empire.

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Yu Jing