Asteroid Blues


Onyx Force bites harder than Frost

VS Combined Army

Mission: Frostbite

JoBucher USARF vs Bartholomae: Onyx Contact Force
Battlestartup: “Everybody reports back as soon as you see something strange, according to O12 there could be same nasty Aliens around here” 1st Ltd. Frencis at routine patrol in .
1st Turn Combined Army:
Because the Bartholomae goes first in this mission I tried to use the snipers of my defensive Grunt Team to hold some pressure on the approach of the massive TAG Aliens. A plan that doesn’t went so well…
First the Nexus Lieutenant buffed his Linked Team of Unidrons with a Plasma Sniper Rifle and a Missile Launcher. After that the Sniper picked up my first Sniper and shot him from the Roof. In the Plasma explosion the Minuteman AP HMG gots also nocked down. After that his Haris Xeodon TAG Team approached. “Sir there are massive Alien TAG’s approaching. They are so fast. We need back…” Last words of Grunt Forward observer Nickels. The Red Fury and the Blitzen fired several times on the Linked Grunt Team. Without cover, form the Death up the other bilding the grunts die in a horrible shoot out. The Fird Member of the Killing Haris Xeno Team a Killer Hacker who was also the Data Tracker can walk easily to the first console and activates the First Heating Unit.
Even Rosie who stands a bit more in cover gets shot by the Firefight with the Alien TAG. But the Blood first of the Aliens had made them careless.
1st Turn USARF: After loosing five Members of my first group and no members of my Fireteam Left the frightening TAG’s stand up in cover against my remaining Force. Now it was Time to get the Black Jack in to duty. He sneaked around the corner and set his AP HMG against the XENODRON with the Red Fury. With some luck and a lot of Bullets (and Orders) I managed to get TAG’s down. With the orders of my second Group the 112 Killed th AP HMG Minuteman “Sorry Pal with this Plasma burns I can only give you a lot of Morthins” After that he could manage to get one of the snipers back on his feed.

2nd Round Combined Army:
In the Second Turn Bartholomae tries to approach the second console, but the revived Grunt Sniper and The Minuteman block his Path.
The combined Army troops moved a lot and positionated there deadly Weapons along the second Console. And Placed a Mine near the Fird console, after activating the Console
2nd Round USARF:
With the path blocked the Grunt Sniper tries his Marksmanship Level X to get rid of the Unidron Sniper with one precis Shot. The Black Jack as Datatracker and my best left weapon option gets in to passion to get into the centre in the third round (A Bad Idea)
3rd Round Combined Army:
The Grunt Sniper gets shot by a devastating Missile Hit an evaporates in to dust. The assault Hacker gets into Hacking Range to the Black Jack and Imobilaises LV1.
Afterward he gets Back to the next building to get Cover.
3rd Round USARF:
The Black Jack Resets and leak around the corner. But the Unidron Missilelauncher had already waited for that. In a devastating hit the Black Jack rips in to peaces.
With no other Options the Camouflage Foxtrot Forward observer approaches the 2nd Console to heat up the Territory for his comrades ignoring the Fread from the Missilelauncher. “For Down!”

In the End Only the Minuteman Haris Link Team, what couldn’t do anything useful except holding their ground and survive and the two 112 could survive together with their Grunt Lieutenant.
In The End The Combined Army wins 6 : 4

“Report back to Headquater, the Alien threat has taken the Surface!” Ltd. Willson

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